Developers, Security, Business – Lets All Work Together

Posted by on January 10, 2013

A few years ago, my neighbors ran into an issue with each other. Unfortunately for one neighbor, the other neighbor was on the board for the HOA. The first neighbor decided to put up a fence, got the proper approvals and started work on it. They were building the fence them selves and it took a while to complete. The other neighbor, on the board of the HOA, noticed that the fence was being built out of compliance. Rather than stopping by and letting the first neighbor know about this, they decided it would be better to let them complete the fence and then issue a citation about the fence being out of compliance, requiring them to rebuild it. At times, I feel like I see the same thing in application security which leads into my post below.

There have been lots of great blogs lately talking about application security and questioning who’s responsibility the security of applications is (Matt Neely – Who is Responsible for Application Security?) and why we are still not producing secure applications (Rafal Los – Software Security – Why aren’t the enterprise developers listening?). I feel a little late to the party, even though I have been thinking about this post for over a week. At least I am not the only one thinking about this topic as the new year starts off.

There has been a great divide between security personnel and the development teams. This has been no secret. They don’t hang out at the same conferences and honestly, it looks similar to a high school dance where, in this case, the security people are on one side of the gym and the developers are on the other. Add in the chaperones (the business leadership) enforcing space between the two groups. We need to find a way to fix this and work together.

The first thing we have to do is realize that security is everyone’s responsibility. This is because building applications involves so many more people than just some developers. Is SQL Injection the outcome of insecure coding, most definitely yes it is. However, that is why development teams have layers. There are those writing code, but there are also testers involved with verifying that the developer didn’t miss something. People make mistakes, and that is why we put a second and third pair of eyes on things. If developers were perfect and did everything right the first time, would there even be a need for QA? QA is a big part to this puzzle, lets get them involved.

I don’t know if anyone else feels this, but I feel as though there is this condescending tone that comes from both sides. Developers don’t think they need security to come in and test and security has this notion that because they found a vulnerability that “I win” and “you lose.” We start security presentations off with “developers suck” or “we are going to pick on you today”, but why does it have to be that way. Constructive criticism is one thing, but lets be somewhat civil about it. Who wants to go the extra mile to fix applications when it comes across as a put down to the developers. This isn’t boot camp where we need to destroy all morale and then build them up the way we want.

I challenge the security guys to think about this when they are getting ready to criticize the developers. What if the situation were reversed, and you were required to find EVERY security issue in an application? Would you feel any pressure? How would you feel if you missed just one simple thing because you were under a time crunch to get the assessment done? I know, the standard response is that is why you chose the security field, so you didn’t have that requirement. I accept that response, but just want to encourage you to think about it when working with the teams that are fixing these issues. Fortunately, security practitioners don’t have this pressure, they just have to find something and throw a disclaimer that they don’t verify that the app doesn’t have other issues that were not identified during the test. Not everyone can choose to be in security, if they did, we wouldn’t have anyone developing. Don’t tell anyone… but if no one develops, there isn’t a whole lot left to manage security on. Interesting circle of life we have here.

This is not all about attitude coming from security. It goes both ways, and many times it can be worse from the dev side. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen it where the developers are upset as soon as they hear that their application is going through a penetration test. People mumbling about how their app is secure and how they don’t need the test. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why applications need to be tested by a third party. It is a part of development, get used to it. The good news is that these assessments are beneficial in multiple ways. First, you get another pair of eyes reviewing your app for stuff probably no one else on your team is thinking of. Second, you are given a chance to learn something new from the results of the test. Take the time to understand what the results are and incorporate the education into your programming. There are positives that come out of this.

Developers also need to start taking responsibility to understand and practice secure coding skills. This is paramount because so many vulnerabilities are due to just insecure coding. This involves much more than just the developers though. As I mentioned in a previous post, we need to do a better job of making this information available to the developers. Writing a book or tutorial, include secure coding examples, rather than short examples that are insecure. Making easier resources for developers to find when looking for secure coding principles. Many times, it is difficult to find a good example of how to do something because everyone is afraid if they give you something and it later becomes vulnerable they will be liable (blog post for another lifetime). Even intro to programming courses should demonstrate how to do secure programming. How difficult is it for an intro course to show using parameterized queries instead of dynamic queries? Same function, however one is secure. Why even show dynamic queries, that should be under the advanced section. Lets start pushing this from the start.

Eoin Keary recently posted XSS = SQLI = CMDi=? talking about the terminology used in security and how we look at the same type of vulnerability in so many different ways. I couldn’t agree more with what he wrote and I talk about this in the SANS Dev544: Secure Coding in .Net course. I can’t count how many times I point out that the resolution for so many of these different vulnerabilities is the same. Encode your output when sending to a different system. I understand that everyone wants to be the first to discover a new class of vulnerability, but we do need to start getting realistic when we work with the “builders” as Eoin refers to them as to what the vulnerabilities really are. If as a developer I don’t have 24 vulnerabilities I have to learn and understand, but realize that is really just 5 vulnerabilities, that makes it easier to start protecting against them. We need to get better at communicating what the problem is without over complicating it. I understand that the risk may be different for SQL Injection or Cross Site Scripting, but to a developer they are encoding untrusted data used for output in another system.

I think this year is off to a good start with all the conversations being held. There are some really smart people starting to think harder about how we can solve the problem. As you can hopefully see from the large amount of ranting above, this is not any one groups fault for this not working. There is contention from both sides. And don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of folks from both sides that are doing things right. Developers that are happy to see a pen test and security folks supporting the development side. We need to stay positive with each other and each think about how we interact with each other. We all have one goal and that is to improve the quality and security of our systems. Lets not lose focus of that.


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